Dear Annaka, I feel very tired this month. Your father has been traveling so I have been playing single mom for the past 3 weeks, hard work! Even though people have been visiting and I have visited people it is just not the same as having a partner. That is one thing that you want in a husband, if you decide you want to be married, someone who walks with you in life. Someone who isn't just along for the ride but someone who is engaged and invest in you and your family. This month I feel like you have had so many first and a lot of new things that I have discovered, lets see if I can remember them all.
~First sleep over, at Auntie Allison's
~First time you smiled back when we smiled at you
~First boo boo, Gus was trying to protect you from a sleeping Blazer and jumped over you and grazed your perfect little forehead
~You had your first date with Piper
~First time you slept through the night, THANK YOU!
~You began holding your head up all on your own
~You LOVE bath time
~You do much more cooing and ahing
~You have a favorite toy, Your Giraffe
~You fell asleep in your crib all on your own
~Your eyelashes are getting longer
~Uncle Nic and Auntie Allison babysat you
~You taught your mother 2 VERY important lessons: You taught me to tell my mother that I love her more often and that no matter what she will always love me more than I love her. That she is always trying her best to be the best mother that she can be. That she made sacrifices that didn't feel like sacrifices so that she could be the best mother possible. To tell her that I love her more and that I am thankful for all the nights she stayed up with me for all the selflessness that she has shown me. Not because she needs to hear it but because I lover her. That no matter how old I get she will always want to hear what I am thinking and that she always hopes that I need her. This lesson my dear sweet girl is one of the most important lessons I could ever learn, thank you. Number two, the dirty house will still be there after snuggle time, my friends will still be there when you have your own to hang out with, there will always be a job for me to work. You are only tiny once, you will not always want to snuggle and one day you will be too busy to tell me all about your day. So I am going to enjoy you, enjoy our time together and save the rest for another day.
I love you my dear sweet Annaka you have already made me a better person.