I was never a person who wanted to hold every little baby that I saw or adored all little children and thought that they were precious. Of course I always loved my family and my friends children but it was just different. Since I had Annaka I feel more warmly towards all children they are ALL precious in there own way and they all have a mother that loves them like I love Annaka and they were all these tiny little babies once that there mothers put so much love into. I also finally understand the "Mother's Club" that I heard about before I had my baby. Every time I see a pregnant woman I want to do whatever I can to help her out! I want to hug them and offer them any words of encouragement that I can. All ultrasounds melt my heart even if I don't know the person, that little person that God is growing inside of their mommy is just beautiful! I guess little miss Annaka has turned me into a big softy. I love being her mom, learning compassion, patience, learning to see things a little differently.
This month was an extremely busy one for our little angel. She was of course such a delight to Kyle and I. Even with all the traveling that Kyle had to do they still got lots of cuddle time in, which was important for both parties. I feel like it went by so fast! Maybe now that I am getting a little more sleep this is when time begins to fly by? I hope it doesn't fly by too fast!
So these are some milestones for our little sweetheart:
~First Basketball Game, the Blazers of course
~First airplane ride across the country to visit her Uncle and Auntie and cousins!
~Started making bubbles with her spit!
~Doing lots and lots of grabbing and bringing objects close to her face.
~Found her foot (Daddy saw this one not me)
~ROLLED OVER!!!! Rolled from her little tummy to her back.
~First babysitter that was not family, Thanks Tyler!
~Sleeping in crib more and we don't have to swaddle you anymore.
~Holding your sweet little head up all on your own.
~You can now sit in a sling facing out.
You are so much more alert. I have so much fun with you, we have tummy time and story time. We go for walks with our puppy when it is warm enough. I love how you are always looking at everything around you. You never miss anything! I think that you are going to be the silent type like your dad. Which means when you have something good to say you say it! You love to watch your daddy cook. You also love to chat with him, just today you were talking so much! You are so sweet and so happy we love you so much. Your Daddy and I love you more and more each day. We are already so proud of you and the things that you have accomplished. We love watching you grow into the young lady that God has given us. Your Daddy and I delight in you and in our family time. We could not be more grateful for the joy you bring into our lives. We love you sweet girl.