
A place for family and friends near and far to keep up with our growing family.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

365 Starting Over

So I was doing a photo/editing challenge, it was going ok and then I had the baby and he turned 3 weeks and all bets were off. So I have decided to start over. Still not sure if I will be able to edit everyday but I will hopefully be able to at least pick up my camera everyday. Here we go, that God for new beginnings.

Had to post one of each of my little ones.

I know that this is a little yellow but it's bed time.

This is from a shoot I did today with my sister and her husband, not sure if I like it in B&W or color What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Beth! I like the color one best.

    My wife and I are in the process of creating a new feature at The Albums to help our members begin and finish a Project 365. So far the main thing we are hearing is that it feels overwhelming to get started and keep up with it. Do you have any thoughts about how we could make it easier?

