
A place for family and friends near and far to keep up with our growing family.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

5 months already?!

This month flew and with Kyle being gone so much I thought it would DRAG! When I look at the calendar it doesn't feel like a very busy month. We took a trip with Kyle to Chicago which was fun and of course Annaka was a champ! She had her first vaccinations and of course was a champ. We visited friends and family and waited for Daddy to come home. Our little Annaka is growing so much and becoming so much more fun. I don't know what age that a little one passes from infant to baby but I would say that Annaka has entered babyhood. Annaka is also napping all on her own now and only waking one time at night to eat. This is WONDERFUL for mommy! I think that my daughter is fantastic. Everyday I watch as her little personality unfolds more and more. She really does bring such joy to my life.

I think that the lesson that I learned this month, well the biggest lesson, is to follow my gut! I tend to read lots of information and ask several people for advice and take the person's advice that seems the most confident. But I need to follow my gut. No one else knows my daughter or the dynamics of our family. I have learned that if I pray for wisdom use some common sense and deliver with love we will figure it out. I also need to remember that raising children can really be trial and error. So I am going to try and listen to that still small voice more often when it comes to my family.

We are looking forward to Kyle's traveling being done, a trip to Minnesota and California to visit family and friends. We are also really looking forward to moving, hopefully back to Portland ME for now.

Kyle and I love our little girl more and more each passing minute and I think that we are starting to "feel" like parents as she grows. We love the beginnings of our little family and look forward to each and every day as we are blessed with the opportunity to watch our little peanut grow into a beautiful little lady.
Our Baby Girl

Family Shot
Mother's Day with my little lady.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nurturing Nature

I think that until you have the opportunity to watch someone grow right in front of your eyes you aren't lucky enough to really be able to understand how it all happens. I am watching someone everyday all day long and I still don't really understand. My point of view does come with the belief that there is one Creator, God and I believe the Bible to be truth. That being said.....

I think that when you become a parent the verse "Train up a child in the way he should go" begins to become more relevant, for obvious reasons. What does it mean, does it mean that you are suppose to tell your children about Jesus well yes, but what else? Does it mean you are suppose to be this over protective, over bearing mother, cause I'll do it! Or does it mean that my little one that the Lord has entrusted to me has been created by God right down to the her tiny, sweet giggles. That I am to help grow and nurture  all that God has already created her to be? I think that it means just that. I believe that we are who we are that we have been knit together in our mother's womb by the Creator and that nothing went unnoticed.  I think that my daughter likes to be held and cuddle 95% of the time not because I held her so much as an infant but because that was where she was happy and if it made her happy I obliged when I could. I think that Annaka cries out when Kyle and I exclude her from what we are doing because she likes to feel included. I believe that her sweet, easygoing disposition is not because we let people hold her or because we cart her around with us so she has learned to go with the flow. I think that she was just made this way! So I believe that all that we are good and bad the Lord knows and He created us this way with our strengths and our weakness.

So really I don't think that Annaka is a people person like her mom or quiet like her dad. Maybe she is, I do think that genetics plays a part. But really I think that she is her own little person that God created and that he for whatever reason has picked us to be her parents. I think that no matter who her parents would have been she would have been the same wonderful little girl.

I am of course am not an expert on parenting by any means, I just want my daughter to be all that God has created her to be and I want to make all the right choices by her, of course I know I will not but I can try! So for that reason I look to the word of God, the Bible, for all my answers. Some of them are easy to understand some take time, some I still don't understand. I guess though I don't need to know it all now, I just need to know it when the situation arises.

Thank you Jesus for my sweet little girl and for her wonderful personality that I have yet to unfold. Please give me the wisdom to help her be all that she is meant to be. Give me patients and understanding.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hello Old Friend

Dear Sleep,
It has been so long since we had our usual rendezvous, I miss you dearly. I think about you all day and wish for our reunion. When that will be I do not know. I am wondering if now that I have a baby our relationship is forever changed, I hope not. When I lay my head down on my pillow to meet you for our date I can't help but think of my day. I think of my little girl, my husband, what we did, how I could have done better, what I will do tomorrow, how I can do it better. My thoughts are consumed thus I become distracted and our time together is cut short. I have been talking to Annaka about you how wonderful you are hoping that your relationship will grow. I am hoping that as your relationship grows ours will grow stronger as well. Sometimes when I lay down at night and all seems perfect for our meeting I just can't find you, maybe it is the excitement that has built up and I am so anxious to find you.

I hope you are well and even as time passes and our paths seem to grow farther and farther apart you will know that I think of you always and look forward to our 7-8 hour visits and lazy weekends laying in bed together. Till then be well old friend and if I can't enjoy you like I use to please don't forget about my dear sweet Annaka.


Below I have added a photo of my little one in case you need a reminder. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"What do you do all day?"

I always use to wonder what stay at home mothers did all day? I knew children where work but I still wondered what do they do all day long? Well now I know what stay at home moms do all day. So In case you have been wondering the same thing I thought that I would share with you what I do all day! Now I only have one little munchkin so I am not as busy as those with more than one. Annaka and I have pretty much the same routine everyday and here it is:

We are currently on a 3 hour schedule hoping to change to a 3 and a half hour schedule!!

8am Wake, nurse, diaper change, feed the pets breakfast

8:15-9:30 *Play Time ending in a diaper change

9:30-11am Nap for Annaka and Mommy if we had a bad night. If not time to shower and eat breakfast!

11am Wake, nurse, diaper change

11:15-12pm *Play Time ending in a diaper change

12-2 Laundry (Yes this is a daily task since I use cloth diapers.) Lunch, clean living space, put away laundry, give cat and dog attention

2pm Wake, nurse, diaper change

2-4pm *More play time or errands or we visit some friends and of course a diaper change

4-5pm Nap Again

5pm Wake, nurse, diaper change

5:30-6pm If it is nice out we take Gus for a walk, we wait till 5 so my little lady doesn't get sunburned.

6:00-7:00pm Quiet time, reading books, singing songs

7-8pm Night Time Routine which consist of a baby massage, bath time, another feeding and bed time stories and prayers.

8-9pm Dinner for mom, feed the pets, any last minute laundry, and praying that Annaka will fall asleep. :)

Annaka goes down for naps like a champ now something that less than a month ago I was struggling with. Now it's bed time that we must conquer. It takes me a while to get her down on a good night it takes an hour. :( Going to bed earlier hasn't helped I feel like I have tried everything!!! We will get there.

*Play for Annaka right now is reading books, puppets, licking things, rattles, singing, making faces at her tummy time and rolling over