
A place for family and friends near and far to keep up with our growing family.

Monday, December 24, 2012

1 Year, 12 Months. 52 Weeks, 365 Days

Last year I did not make any resolutions. I had 3 goals, nurse my baby for at least 1 year, stick with cloth diapers and keep my baby alive. I think that this is the first year that I accomplished all of my goals! At one point I did give myself a few other goals, I have been working on my business with my sister, I sewed napkins but no quilt and I only managed to blog once a month. I guess I'll try again this year!

As we now have this fast little toddler no longer a helpless infant you start to think about the rest of her life. I guess I feel like if I can keep her alive for a year I can figure all the rest out now. (yeah right!)  SO i can't help but think about my hopes for my sweetie pie. Thinking of the kind of little lady I hope she will be, the kind of people I want in her life the things that I want to shield her from (of course all things bad and awful) the experiences I want her to have. It's hard to be realistic. Knowing that there will be pain, disappointment and lots of mistakes. So what can I hope for Annaka?

So after much thought and consideration here is my as realistic as possible hopes for my sweet little sugar bear.

On the "Polar Express" In Portland Maine. 

Dear Annaka,

You are now a fiesty, talkative, curious little toddler. No longer a tiny little helpless baby, I am thankful for that. I am thankful that you made it through your first year with minor bumps and bruises. I wish that I could shield you from all things "bad" and harmful as you continue to grow and walk through life, getting you through with minor bumps and bruises. Bad experiences as well as good ones shape us to be as we grow, so instead of hoping and wishing for something that is not only impossible but also not ultimately helpful to you here are my hopes and dreams for you my dear sweet girl.

I hope that you grow to have the support of not only your parents but also of other adults in your life. Adults that you can go to when your parents are uncool or would never understand, maybe forgotten what it is like to be your age. Adults that love you and have your best interest at heart, ones that will help you walk through hard choices and big heartaches when your parents just don't make the cut.

I pray that you have a strong foundation in Jesus and your faith. So when you do have to make choices on your own you remember you are never really alone and that you will hear the still small voice of the Lord.

I pray that your father and I always turn to the Lord when it comes to guiding you as you become you. I pray that we are sensitive as well to that still small voice to help you reconize your strengths and help you foster your weaknesses.

I hope that even when you make big, big mistakes you will feel loved and supported and know that there is nothing that you could do that will shock your father and I. Remember there is absoluty nothing you can do to make us love you any less. It is only possible for us to love you more.

I pray that you understand forgiveness. Both in giving and receiving because there will be a lot of it as you grow. Including dear old mom and dad.

I hope for the kind of life experiences that do not break you but only make you stronger and wiser.

I pray for you to have confidence in who you are and who you are becoming. The kind of confidence needed to play alone, eat linch by yourself and make new friends. The kind of confidence that is only found in Jesus.

I pray that you will be blessed with friends, life long, loyal, kind friends. Friends that will love you no matter what, support you and gently correct you. You will gain these kinds of friends by being this kind of friend.

Most of all I pray that you enjoy all that Jesus has in store for you. That even now when you are still so small He will begin to work in your life and plant seeds in your sweet little heart.

I am really crazy about you Annaka. I never understood the blessing children were until I was blessed with my own. Happy Happy Birthday sweet girl.

With all the love I have to give,


Monday, December 3, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012

11 Last baby month

They say that a one year old is a toddler but I can't believe it, she is still so tiny, she still has so much growing to do. Maybe I will be saying that for the rest of my life, that she is still so tiny and still has so much growing to do.

This month for Annaka: 
Had her first halloween, she was a cupcake.
First sweets, a lollipop and a ice cream cone.
Started to gibe kisses, baby kisses
Took her first unassisted steps.
Had her first overnight away from Mom and Dad.
Fell on her face and cut her lip with her teeth.
Got two more teeth on the bottom.
First Thanksgiving.
First finger painting project.
Running with her baby walker.
Started sleeping through the night!!!!

ice cream come

A lollipop in her cupcake outfir

Mom and baby

First finger paint project
First Thanksgiving meal

Helping decorate the tree

Dear Annaka,
You are growing so fast. It has been so cool to watch you grow and change and become this little person. People told me that this time would go by fast I imagined it going by fast but it is a type of fast that I guess you don't know till you have babies. If you even choose to have babies enjoy all the moments. Try hard to not miss any, to breathe and relax when you are frustrated, to try and remember that you will get to sleep again one day. This time really doesn't last forever and it has gone way to quick. Thank you for trying to talk to us. I love when you "say" Gus or Dada. Sometimes we think that you are repeating everything that we are saying! It is amazing! Thank you for giving us kisses, wet slimy ones and thank you for lighting up and smiling big when we see each other after a time away. Sometimes when I put you down for bed I miss you. I love talking to you on our walks. I love reading to you every night and I love having cuddle time when you first wake up. 

Thank you Annaka for being adorably sweet and so kind to everyone. Everyone who meets you loves and how could they not. I love you so much Annaka and I am so excited to continue to watch you grow.

Mommy {which you have yet to say;)}

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We have reach double digits 10 months

Today as I peeled back the 10 month sticker from the paper I began to get a little teary eyed. It caught me off guard since I am not the emotional type so it was short lived but none the less it happened. Only two more stickers (the ones that I have used in the onesies) until the first year is over, where did the time go, they say it goes by fast but no amount of warning can really prepare you for the speed of light the year as felt so far. Now not only is Annaka's first birthday coming up but the holidays as well. I know at the end of the next two months I'll wish I hadn't blinked.

As always our sweet little lady filled our month with more joy, laughter, frustration, exhaustion, concern and love than the month before. Our once tiny little infant is now not only crawling but walking with assistance. I can't believe it, I was not wishing for this day to come SO soon. I was fine with the fact that the only way she could get around was crawling and pulling herself up. Of course I couldn't be more proud of our smart daughter. I am sure I have said it often but watching someone grow is truely one of the most amazing gifts from God. Besides my husband, Annaka is the most wonderful earthly gift I could have ever been blessed with.

Our little world traveler was on the road again this month. We finally were able to visit the sunny land of California. It was so great to be able to see family and friends. Of course I think that they were all more excited to see Annaka understandably. :) We were there for a week and we stayed with Lydia my best friend from college. It was so great to be someplace that even though we had never been to was so warm and familiar. Lydia wrote a great post and posted some GREAT photos on her blog. http://syniahsmama.blogspot.com/2012/10/a-baby-in-our-home-smith-visit.html I was so glad she took so may pictures, I tend to slack on taking pictures when I know someone else is, then when I get home and have no pictures I am always upset with myself (hopefully my dear friend will send them all to me ;) One day I may learn. We were also able to see my dad's family, my dad goes out every year for his mother's birthday and this year we joined him. We also say my very dear friends Haiza and Christine and her family. All in all it was a fantastic trip.

While we were in California we also visited the world famous San Diego Zoo. Annaka did pretty good she lasted a whole 5 hours! She enjoyed seeing monkeys and birds. She did also enjoy watching the elephant relieve himself we did not photograph that event.

This month on the way home from California Annaka had A LOT to say and has not stopped talking since. She was very friendly with the people that we meet at the airport, mixed feelings about that one. She also had her 9 month visit and she is doing great! She got her last round of shots for a while, and is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. Her head is in the 75th percentile. Annaka is also getting her top 4 teeth, yes at once, poor baby and poor mommy and daddy a little bit. Like I said ealier she is walking with the assistance or whatever and whoever is around and mobile. She moves FAST!

The biggest event I think of the whole month is that she spent the first FULL night away from her mommy. It was a success and only a few tears were shed. I had a girls weekend with two of my best friends from high school Auntie Miss and Auntie Kris. It was nice to get away to know that she is fine with out me. :(  But it was also nice to see her smile when I got back. Sometimes I really go nuts being home all the time and I miss working but it does make a mommy feel all warm and fuzzy inside when their baby is so happy to see them!
Kyle and I are going to try and really soak up these last two months of Annaka's first year. Soak up all the baby goodness that we can get.

Happy 10 months Annaka! We love you and are so glad that you have many more wonderful milestones ahead of you. We plan to enjoy them all as we get to witness you grow into a beautiful little lady.

Your adoring fans,
Mom and Dad

Monday, September 24, 2012

What happened at 9

9 Months
On the Move
I feel like every time I sit down to write a blog it has gone by so fast and she has grown so much, I even say it. I say it because I can't believe how much babies change. You hear about it everyone tells you enjoy the moments they go by fast and you try. I try to soak up all the baby that I can get before it's gone. I try and smell her sweet little head, kiss her chubby cheeks, rub her round, soft belly and listen to all she has to say. I try to do this every minute of every day because I believe all those experienced mommies out there who say it goes by way too fast and I don't want to miss anything. I am beyond blessed that I am able to stay home with Annaka. I know that not all moms are given that opportunity and I feel that because I have been given that opportunity I need to take advantage of it as long as I can have it!

So at nine months Annaka Thea is moving around she loves to crawl and be close to mommy and daddy whenever she can. She loves to find the doggie bowls and play with the water. She also does an EXCELLENT job at pulling herself up setting herself down with NO assistance. It is amazing. Sometimes she will use furniture that is near by and other times she will just do it all on her own, I am amazed by her. She was able to visit with her Grandma Sue and Grandpa Bob who came out to see our new place. We had an un-Birthday for her since they will not he here in December. 
With her favorite red spoon

We had Strawberry Shortcake

Annaka is gaining so much strength in her legs I think that she will be walking very soon! She has had swollen gums and can get a little cranky sometimes. Kyle and I are guessing that it might be her two top teeth but we have yet to see anything. 

One nice thing about moving when your baby is beginning to crawl is that you get a fresh start at making your house baby proof. 
Standing oh so proud

Annaka had her very first tea party where she enjoyed a tomato, avocado, cucumber sandwich. Her great Aunt Caroline and second Cousin Hannah were able to join us. She is still enjoying lots of fruits and veggies, string cheese and yogurts. Annaka also enjoys an avocado every night at dinner. Our goal next month is to start introducing meats and move veggies. 

She also enjoyed some fresh peppers, but never again
Annaka seems to be growing out of her infant toys, she likes toys that make noise, do something other than just look at her, or toys she can make noise with. Like her red coffee scoop. It is her FAVORITE toy at the moment. 

While her grandparents were here for a visit Grandpa Bob did teach his little monkey (that is what he calls his granddaughters) to CLAP. We were so excited and so was Annaka. She also loves to play in her new yard and when it gets cold I think that she will be a little sad to not be outside as much.
We were able to get a shot with ALL her grandparents, so nice

Annaka, you are more fantastic all the time, everyone who meets you loves you. You are so blessed to have so many people who would do anything for you. Of course your biggest fans are your mommy and your daddy. You already make us proud. We are so beyond happy to be your parents, that will never change. We are so excited as you grown, learn, make mistakes, learn from your mistakes, achieve goals, fail goals, love, experience life and become the beautiful person that you already are to be a part of it. We love you more each second of everyday sweet girl. 

Eating a leaf
In a dress that is about to be too small

Proud of the leaf she found

On the go

Friday, August 24, 2012

We bought a house

We live in the bottom and we rent out the top

Kyle and I have been on a LONG journey in the buying house department! When we were first married living in Portland we tried to buy a house. I don't remember the year now I think that it was probably when we wanted to move from our first home together at 29 Kellogg St. We looked and looked but it ended up going no where. We put offers in on a few places but nothing ever worked out. So we figured it was not what God wanted so we moved to 9 Whitehall Ave in South Portland. We loved it there, we loved the neighborhood, the apartment and the landlord, but after a year things changed.

Kyle and I had been in Portland trying to start a church but in May of 2010 it was time for a new adventure and that meant a move, to where we had no idea. So we moved in with my parents in September 2010. We were very sad to leave Portland but we really believed, and still do, that we needed to move.

So after some thought and prayer we tried to settle down in New Hampshire. Again we looked and looked and nothing. We put in offers and nothing ended up working out so we rented an apartment in Portsmouth and waited. We waited to hear from the Lord, we waited for a sign, we waited for ANYTHING but we got NOTHING! So after a year and a half of not being super happy about our living situation and with our growing baby in our tiny apartment it was time to go.

I didn't want to be far from my family with a growing family of my own and in our hearts Kyle and I still loved Portland Maine. We started looking again in Portland Maine. After a couple of months we put an offer in on 23 Edwards St and they took it!!! WHAT? NO WAY?!!!

That brings us to the present. We are now in a two unit in a wonderful neighborhood right near downtown. We love it! and we love our tenants and we love our yard and we love our space.  And it just so happens that Allison, my sister lives ACROSS the street, BONUS!

So we are thankful to be in Portland, we do not like being cold and we do not want to be here forever but we know that we are exactly where we are suppose to be. Exactly where the Lord wants us for now.
Unloading the truck

Thanks fellas

It was a hot day, Annaka is enjoying her new lawn


Our front door

How we felt at the end of the day

Eight is better than GREAT!

What a month for our sweet little bug. I am starting to realize that the first year of life is to say the least busy. Annaka is learning and growing so much I can barley keep up. If only we grew a tenth as much as a baby in their first precious year we would all be a little bit better, I think.

I fall more and more in love with our little munchkin everyday. She is so sweet and so funny. Time does seem to be slipping by so fast. Some days I do wish she would grow up fast so I could sleep and have a schedule and some days I wish she was still that tiny little baby that would snuggle on my chest for all of her naps. I pray that I savor my time more and that I don't let it pass with out enjoying every moment. I don't want to look back at pictures and wonder where the time went, wonder how it went by so fast and wish to go back in time. Maybe every mom wishes that no matter how much she savors all those sweet little moments.

Well this month not only has Annaka been surrounded by boxes and packing tape but she is also becoming such a "big girl" or as some would call it mobile. Annaka got her bottom two sweet little teeth. I don't believe that they have completely come in but they have made an appearance.  I also learned that her favorite bath time toy is her comb. It is so funny when she lets go of it and a few seconds later searches franticly from side to side to see who has snatched it from her little grasp. The look of relief in her face once it has safely found it's way back to her hand and mouth is priceless. Annaka has also been saying "da-da", as well as lots of other babbling, is this to Kyle we are not quite sure, does she know what she is saying we don't really think so, but who knows. Our little love bug also enjoys waving hello to Blazer our cat or to nothing. Not only has Annaka finally mastered the task from rolling back to belly and belly to a sitting position this Wednesday she CRAWLED!!! I am not 100% sure but I believe that our lives as parents will never be the same.

As always Annaka is the greatest joy in our lives. Kyle and Annaka have play time in the morning while mommy catches a few zzzzz's that is nice. They also take a walk every afternoon when Kyle takes a work break. She is still enjoying all types of foods. Mainly fruits and veggies. We have given her cheese and eggs as well. I think that this month I will be brave enough to offer her meats. She is still nursing 5-6 times a day. Once or twice at night, I like the nights it is once. We are still at 3 naps a day sometimes only 2. I think that when she is sleeping better at night she will go down to two naps. We are all very excited for Annaka to get her own room! Kyle and I think this will help at night. She seems to be such a light sleeper that the slightest noise in our room and she wakes. We have yet to get rid of the pacifier. It's on our goal list.

So this is our bugs update. She is more fun, sweet, lovable, funny and full of personality everyday. We could not be more grateful for her in our lives.